H.G. Wells was one of the best known English authors, whose works include The War of the Worlds, The Time Machine, The Invisible Man and The Island of Doctor Moreau.
Rstearns Graphics created this web site as an exercise to demonstrate techniques and knowledge of web design featuring a favorite interesting author.
This web site also makes use of a front page sometimes referred to as a splash page.
Here is an example of a small multi-page informative site created using Adobe Dreamweaver as a demonstrative exercise using active hyperlink rollovers.
Frederic William Goudy was one of the best known American typographers. He was best known for his popular types, Goudy old style and Goudy text. He designed over one-hundred typefaces, yet did not start design in earnest until he was 45.
This multi-page web site is an example of a technique called CSS which controls a whole sites stlyes from one file. Cascading style sheets are one of many techniques that help designers in the creation of their web sites.
Rane Corporation is a professional audio products business that caters to musicians and audio producers.
This site is a informative site about one of their products the AP 13 acoustic processor.
Rstearns Graphics created this site of off-line courses, book tutorials, and other web examples in a rich condensed collection of informative web development resources which has been collected over many years.
Most of this material is from copy righted sources. Rstearns Graphics gathered these resources together strictly for educational purposes for anyone who is interested in learning something about how the internet works. A great resource!